Combo Feeding: Is it for you and your baby?

Combo feeding newborns is becoming increasingly popular among new parents. It's a term used to describe a mix of both breast milk and formula feeding, which can offer the benefits of both options. Combo feeding can be a great solution for those struggling to produce enough milk or for those who find exclusively breastfeeding too challenging or overwhelming. Let’s explore the ins and outs of combo feeding and how to make it work for you and your little one.

Why Combo Feed?

There are many reasons why parents choose to combo feed their newborns. One of the most common reasons is a low milk supply. Sometimes, despite a mom's best efforts, she may not be able to produce enough milk to exclusively breastfeed. In these cases, supplementing with formula can help to ensure that baby is getting the nutrients he or she need to thrive.

Another reason for combo feeding is Moms return to work. Breastfeeding exclusively can be challenging for working mothers, who may not have enough time to pump milk during the workday. Combo feeding allows baby to continue receiving the benefits of breast milk, while supplementing with formula or pumped milk whenever mom is away.

Additionally, combo feeding can help reduce pressure and stress on Mom. These feelings, which are common after birth can lead to postpartum depression and anxiety. Combo feeding allows Mom to take a break from breastfeeding when needed, and can give partners the opportunity to help as Mom requires.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

While formula feeding can provide necessary nutrients for newborns, breast milk has numerous benefits that can't be replicated by formula. Breast milk contains antibodies that can help protect your baby from illnesses and infections, and has been shown to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), allergies, and obesity later in life.

Breast milk is also easy to digest and can lead to less gas and constipation in babies. The act of breastfeeding can help promote bonding between mother and baby, and can also help mothers recover from childbirth faster by releasing hormones that encourage uterine contractions.

Benefits of Formula Feeding

Formula feeding can also provide many benefits to newborns. First and foremost, formula feeding can help ensure that the baby is getting enough to eat. Unlike breast milk, formula is measured and consistent in terms of its nutritional value, making it easier to track how much your baby is consuming.

Formula feeding can also allow for more flexibility and freedom for parents. When exclusively breastfeeding, Mama is the primary source of food. This can become challenging for working mothers or those who need to take a break from breastfeeding for personal/medical or mental health reasons.

Tips for Combo Feeding

If you're considering combo feeding your newborn, here are some tips to make the transition as smooth as possible:

  1. Start slowly: If you're exclusively breastfeeding, start by introducing formula gradually. Offer one b-ottle of formula a day and see how your baby responds before increasing the amount.

  2. -Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to combo feeding. Try to stick to a feeding schedule that works for you and your baby, whether it's alternating between breast milk and formula or offering both at each feeding.

  3. Pump regularly: If you're still producing breast milk, make sure to pump regularly to maintain your supply. You can also use pumped milk in place of formula for some feedings.

  4. Pay attention to your baby's cues: Every baby is different, and some may prefer breast milk over formula or vice versa. Pay attention to your baby's cues and adjust your feeding plan accordingly.

  5. Get help from a lactation consultant: Seeking assistance from an experienced lactation consultant is a great way to build a successful combo feeding program. Lactation consultants can help parents build a plan that works for their lifestyle and personal needs, while ensuring baby’s growth and development is progressing well.

If you found this information interesting, combo feeding might be right for you. At The Nest, our OHIP covered services can help customize a feeding plan that supports your goals and the health of your little one. If you have questions about combo feeding, breastfeeding or what is included in a free consultation, reach out to us by phone or email to learn more. Want to book a consult now: CLICK HERE

The Nest offers breastfeeding help to moms across Ontario virtually, and has in office lactation consulting available in Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph.

P: 905-805-5430


To pump…or not to pump? The benefits of breast pumps.


Breastfeeding Help Is Available in Waterloo Region - The Nest